
Join us at CrossRide, our community block party fusing the best of the cycling and CrossFit communities hosted with our friends at Cahaba Cycles.

Come along as we bike around the City of Homewood, stopping briefly at Woodland Park in Homewood (429 Woodland Drive Homewood, AL 35209) @ 10:15am for a small community workout before heading back to Cahaba Cycles to enjoy some food and drinks from our favorite local vendors.

What could be better than fitness and a block party?!

📍Cahaba Cycles in Homewood, Alabama | 🗓️ May 11, 2024 | ⏰ 9:00 AM


Who is this for?

Anyone! Whether you're new to the bike or CrossFit, you can come and be a part of this event. We've designed the event so that you can choose how hard or easy you want to make it.

What if I don't have a bike?

That's okay! Cahaba Cycles has rental options you can choose from. Once you click the "Sign-up" button, you can either rent a manual bike or E-bike.

Can I bring my own bike?

Of course! Once you click the "Register Now" button, you can select the "I'll bring my own bike" option.

How long is the ride?

This ride will be approx 30-40 mins.

Will there be ride options?

Yes - we will have 2 groups.

Group A - will be a quicker pace and will opt for some climbs for more cardio.

Group B - will be a more relaxed pace and less climbing.

Will there be ride leaders?

Yes - we will have 2-3 ride leaders per group. The goal will be to keep the group together in a rolling enclosure.

What does the CrossFit workout entail?

The Crossfit portion will be led by professional coaches from several local gyms to ensure you experience the work out that’s best for you! Like the ride, you can make it as hard or easy as you'd like.

Can I bring my kids?

Yes - this is absolutely a kid and family friendly event! We just ask that either your child can pedal at an 8-10 mph pace or ride in a trailer attachment or kids seat.

What else should I bring?

If you aren't renting a bike from us, bring your bike! Additionally, we suggest a helmet, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a water bottle.